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Content Management System vs Web Host vs World-Wide-Web

What is the difference between a Content Management System (CMS), web host, and the World Wide Web (WWW)? Let’s find out.

Content Management System (CMS)

A Content Management System (CMS) is an application people use to build and manage websites without writing code.

In order words, a CMS provides user-friendly interfaces (mostly drag and drop) for building webpages without writing any line of HTML, CSS, or JavaScript code.

Some popular CMS apps are Webflow, WordPress, and Shopify.

Note that CMS apps do not automatically make your website publicly available on the internet. Instead, a CMS only provides the user-friendly tools you need to build and manage your site.

You need a web host to make your website available on the internet.

Web Host

A web host is an organization that owns servers (computers connected directly to the internet) and rents spaces to people who need to host (store) their web documents.

In other words, once you’ve finished building your site, you need a web host to store and avail your document on the internet for public use.

Some popular web hosts are InMotion, SiteGround and Netlify.

World Wide Web

World Wide Web (WWW) is the global connection between servers’ webpages.

In other words, WWW is the connection of web pages to one another through hyperlinks.