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Promise.any() – What Is the JavaScript Promise any() Method?

Promise.any() is a static method of the Promise constructor function. It returns a new promise object after JavaScript fulfills any item in the iterable value you’ve provided as its argument.

Syntax of the Promise.any() Static Method

  • The any() method’s iterable argument’s items can be promises, thenables, or any of JavaScript’s data types.
  • Promise.any() will automatically pass each of its iterable argument’s items through Promise.resolve(). Therefore, any() will eventually resolve all its iterable argument’s values to a fully-fledged promise object.

Example of Promise.any() Returning a Fulfilled Promise

Promise.any(["Orange", Promise.resolve(24), 715]);
// The invocation above will return:
Promise { <state>: "fulfilled", <value>: "Orange"}

The snippet above returned a fulfilled promise immediately after JavaScript fulfilled an item in the array argument.

When Does Promise.any() Return a Fulfilled Promise?

Promise.any() returns a fulfilled promise when JavaScript resolves any item in the iterable argument to a fulfilled state.

Here’s an example:

const item1 = Promise.reject(24);
const item2 = Promise.reject(715);
const item3 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 30000);
const item4 = "Pinkmelon";
Promise.any([item1, item2, item3, item4]).then((value) => {
// The invocation above will return: "Pinkmelon"

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The snippet above returned "Pinkmelon" because it is the value of the first fulfilled promise.

What Happens If Promise.any() Doesn’t Resolve to a Fulfilled Item?

Suppose none of the items in the iterable object resolved to a fulfilled state. In that case, the any() method will return a rejected promise based on the reason of an AggregateError.

Here’s an example:

Promise.any([Promise.reject("Pinkmelon"), Promise.reject(24)]);
// The invocation above will return:
Promise { <state>: "rejected", <reason>: AggregateError }

The snippet above returned a rejected promise object with an AggregateError reason because all the array argument’s items resolved to a rejected state.