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Software Development Terms Beginning with O

Object in JavaScript

An object is a non-primitive JavaScript component that you can use to bundle multiple items into a single one.

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Object Constructor in JavaScript

An object constructor is a function (or class) the new keyword uses to create a new object instance.

For instance, consider the snippet below:

function createBook() {}
const book1 = new createBook();

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The createBook() function is an object constructor because the new keyword used it to create the book1 object instance.

In other words, the new keyword constructed a new object instance from the createBook() constructor function. Therefore, book1 is an instance of the createBook() object constructor.

Object Destructuring in JavaScript

Object destructuring is a unique technique you can use to copy an object’s values into new variables neatly.

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Object Instance in JavaScript

A JavaScript object instance is an object the new keyword creates from a constructor.

For instance, consider the snippet below:

function createBook() {}
const book1 = new createBook();

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  • book1 is an object instance because we used the new keyword to generate its object.
  • The createBook() function is a constructor because we used the new keyword to invoke it.

In other words, the snippet above used the new keyword to construct a new object instance from the createBook() constructor function. Therefore, book1 is an instance of the createBook() function.

Open API

Open APIs are public APIs that are freely available for public use.

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An operand is an expression on which you operate. So, for instance, in 4 + 3 = 7

  • 4 and 3 are the operands
  • + is an addition operator
  • = is an assignment operator
  • 7 is the result of the arithmetic operation

Operating System API

Operating system APIs connect a caller to the resources and services of an operating system.

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An operator is a reserved syntax for performing operations on one or more operands. So, for instance, in 4 + 3 = 7

  • 4 and 3 are the operands
  • + is an addition operator
  • = is an assignment operator
  • 7 is the result of the arithmetic operation

OR (RegExp)

A regular expression’s OR operator (x|y) defines the two alternative patterns you wish to find in a string.

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OR Operator in JavaScript

The OR operator (||) checks and returns true if one (or both) of its operands is true. Otherwise, it returns false if both of its operands are false.

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Output File

An output file is the compiled version of an entry file. In other words, an output script file refers to the JavaScript file a bundler generates automatically for your project.

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