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Software Development Terms Beginning with U

Unary Operator in JavaScript

Unary operators are operators that accept only one operand. Typical examples are the typeof and unary plus operators.

Uncontrolled Component (ReactJS)

An uncontrolled component is a component whose form’s data React does not control exclusively.

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undefined in JavaScript

JavaScript automatically assigns undefined to any variable you declare without an initial value.

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Unicode is a character encoding organization that assigns code points (unique identification numbers) to virtually all the characters in the world.

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Unicode (RegExp)

Regular expression’s Unicode flag (u) tells the computer to search for Unicode RegExp patterns.

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A unit is anything accepted as a gauge for expressing the quantity or size of another thing.

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Unit Test (TDD)

unit test is a test written to assess the functionality of an independent piece of program.

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Unmounting Phase (ReactJS)

A component’s unmounting phase is when the component’s instance is being removed from the DOM.

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unshift() in JavaScript

unshift() adds its arguments to the beginning of its calling array and returns the calling array’s new length.

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Updating Phase (ReactJS)

A component’s updating phase is the period when the component instance is being updated.

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URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

A URL is a website’s specific location on the web.

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User Interface (UI)

A user interface (UI) is a connection mechanism that allows communication between humans and computers.

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UTF (Unicode Transformation Format) is the algorithm Unicode uses to transform all Unicode code points into their equivalent binary formats.

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UTF-8 allows encoding code points into code units of eight bits.

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UTF-16 allows encoding code points into code units of 16 bits.

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UTF-32 allows encoding code points into code units of 32 bits.

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