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Software Development Terms Beginning with F

Factory Function in JavaScript

A factory function is a regular function that uses the return keyword to produce a new object whenever you invoke it with a different argument.

In other words, a factory function serves as a template for producing new JavaScript objects.

Here’s an example:

// Define a factor function:
function createName(name) {
return { name };
// Create an object from the createName() factory:
const bestWebsite = createName("CodeSweetly");
// Create another object from the createName() factory:
const author = createName("Oluwatobi");
// Create a third object from the createName() factory:
const sweetColor = createName("Pink");
// Check bestWebsite's content:
// The invocation above will return:
name: "CodeSweetly";
// Check author's content:
// The invocation above will return:
name: "Oluwatobi";
// Check sweetColor's content:
// The invocation above will return:
name: "Pink";

Try Editing It

The createName() function is a factory function because:

  1. It uses the return keyword to produce its object.
  2. It creates a new object whenever you invoke it with a different argument.

Fake in Test-Driven Development

Fake is a test double used to create a working test implementation of an external dependency with dynamic values.

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Falsy in JavaScript

Falsy values are values JavaScript considers to be false.

The seven falsy values in JavaScript are: 0 (zero), false, "" (empty string), NaN, null, undefined, and 0n (BigInt zero).

File Path (URL)

A URL’s file path is the path (route) to a website’s resource on a web server.

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filter() in JavaScript

filter() creates a new array that contains all the calling array’s elements that passed the test specified by the method’s function argument.

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First-Class Function

A first-class function is a function you can:

  • Pass as an argument to another function.
  • Return from another function.
  • Assign to a variable.

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Fisher-Yates Shuffle

Fisher-Yates shuffle is an algorithm for generating random arrangements of an array.

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Flags (RegExp)

Flags are operators used to specify how you want the computer to interpret a regular expression pattern.

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Floating Element in CSS

A floating element is one whose float property’s value is not none.


A font is a specific style used to alter a text’s appearance.

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for…in Loop Statement in JavaScript

A for…in loop instructs the computer to loop through each property in a given object.

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for…of Loop Statement in JavaScript

A for…of loop instructs the computer to loop through each of an iterable object’s values.

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forEach() in JavaScript

The forEach() method executes its function argument once for each item of the calling array.

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Fragmentation Properties in CSS

The CSS fragmentation properties specify how browsers should display fragmented (divided) content.

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A framework is a codebase written to serve as the primary structure for your application.

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Function Body

A function’s body is where you place a sequence of statements you want to execute.

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Function Component

A function component is a regular JavaScript function that can accept a single properties object (props) as its parameter and emits a React element as its return value.

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Function Declaration in JavaScript

A function declaration is a function created without assigning it to a variable.

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Function Definition in JavaScript

A function definition is a function created without assigning it to a variable.

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Function Expression in JavaScript

A function expression is a function that you create and assign to a variable.

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Function in JavaScript

A JavaScript function is an executable piece of code developers use to bundle a block of zero or more statements.

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function Keyword in JavaScript

A function keyword declares to browsers that a specific piece of code is a JavaScript function—not a mathematical or other generic function.

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Function Name

A function’s name allows you to create an identifier for your function, which you can use to reference it.

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Function Statement in JavaScript

A function statement is a function created without assigning it to a variable.

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Function’s Body in JavaScript

A function’s body is where you place a sequence of statements that you want to execute.

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