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Software Development Terms Beginning with G


Git is a Distributed Version Control System (DVCS) used to save different versions of a file (or set of files)—wherein any version is retrievable at will.

Git makes it easy to record and compare different file versions. Consequently, details about what changed, who changed what, or who initiated an issue are reviewable anytime.

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Git Cloning

Git Cloning is mainly about getting (downloading) a copy of a .git repository.

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Git Commit

Whenever you commit your files to Git, it means you have stored the staged version of your working directory’s file(s) into the .git repository.

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Git Commit Reference

A Git commit reference is a long string that follows the word “commit” in a git log command’s output.

In other words, whenever you run the git log command, you will get an output like so:

commit z8d2f115010634ea4ae0a2670p7aec61b394c306
Author: Oluwatobi Sofela <[email protected]>
Date: Tue Dec 21 12:51:07 2023 +0100
Initialize project

The long string that follows the word “commit” in the snippet above is the Git commit reference.

The Git commit reference is a 40-character string which we sometimes call “SHA-1 checksum” or “commit hash.”

Git Directory

Git directory is a folder Git creates in the working directory you instructed it to monitor.

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Git Initialization

Initialization is to make Git ready to start monitoring files in a specified directory.

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Git Staging

Staging implies that you have added details about your staged file(s) into a file called “index”—located in the Git directory.

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GitHub is a web-based platform for hosting (or sharing) Git repositories. It helps you facilitate easy sharing and collaboration on projects with anyone at any time.

GitHub also encourages broader participation in open-source projects by providing a secure way to edit files in another user’s repository.

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Global (RegExp)

Regular expression’s global flag (g) tells the computer to do a global search for a RegExp pattern.

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Globally Installed Package

A globally installed package is a package that you can use anywhere on your system.

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Graphical Data

Graphical data are the visual contents of a page, such as diagrams, charts, videos, and images.

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Greater than Operator in JavaScript

The greater than operator (>) checks if its left operand is greater than its right-hand one. If so, the Boolean value true gets returned. Otherwise, the computer will return false.

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Greater than or Equal to Operator in JavaScript

The greater than or equal to operator (>=) checks if its left operand is greater than or equal to its right-hand operand. If so, the Boolean value true gets returned. Otherwise, the computer will return false.

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Greedy Quantifiers (RegExp)

Greedy quantifiers are quantifier operators that will automatically find the longest part of the given string that matches the specified RegExp pattern.

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Groups and Ranges (RegExp)

The groups and ranges operators specify the groups and ranges of characters you wish to find in a specific string.

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