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What Is the :nth-of-type() CSS Selector?

:nth-of-type() selects one or more child elements among their direct siblings of the same node type.

Syntax of the CSS :nth-of-type() Selector

:nth-of-type() accepts one argument only. Here is the syntax:

html-element:nth-of-type(value) {
style declarations

The value argument can be one of the following:

  1. A number: For instance, using 3 represents the third child.
  2. The keyword even or odd: We use it to represent even or odd children.
  3. The formula An+B: We use it to express a series of numbers. For instance, 2n+3 expresses these numbers: [(2x0)+3], [(2x1)+3], [(2x2)+3], [(2x3)+3], and so on.

Note the following:

  • :nth-of-type() is a CSS pseudo-class selector.
  • The :nth-of-type() selector works on direct siblings only.
  • In the An+B formula,
    • A is an integer value of your choice.
    • n is the multiplier that automatically increases from zero (0).
    • + (or -) is the addition (or subtraction) operator.
    • B is an optional offset value for increasing (or decreasing) the result derived after multiplying A and n.

Examples of the CSS :nth-of-type() Selector

Below are examples of how to use the CSS :nth-of-type() pseudo-class selector.

Apply DeepPink to the third <p> element type

The :nth-of-type() selector below selects the third <p> element among its siblings of the same node type.

p:nth-of-type(3) {
color: DeepPink;

Assuming the snippet below is the HTML document for the above CSS ruleset, browsers will apply DeepPink to the third <p> element only.

<h1>First heading 1 element</h1>
<p>First paragraph element</p>
<p>Second paragraph element</p>
<h2>First heading 2 element</h2>
<p>Third paragraph element</p>
<h3>First heading 3 element</h3>
<p>Fourth paragraph element</p>
<p>Fifth paragraph element</p>

Try Editing It

The :nth-of-type() selector works on direct siblings only. For instance, suppose you re-write the HTML snippet above to include nested elements as follows:

<h1>Article's first heading 1 element</h1>
<p>Article's first paragraph element</p>
<h2>Article's first heading 2 element</h2>
<p>Article's second paragraph element</p>
<h3>Article's first heading 3 element</h3>
<p>Article's third paragraph element</p>
<p>Article's fourth paragraph element</p>
<h2>Article's second heading 2 element</h2>
<p>Article's fifth paragraph element</p>
<p>Article's sixth paragraph element</p>

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The p:nth-of-type(3) selector will apply DeepPink only to the fifth <p> node because it is the third <p> type of its parent element.

Therefore, if you add one more <p> node to the <section> element, the p:nth-of-type(3) selector will apply DeepPink to the fifth and sixth <p> items.

<h1>Article's first heading 1 element</h1>
<p>Article's first paragraph element</p>
<h2>Article's first heading 2 element</h2>
<p>Article's second paragraph element</p>
<h3>Article's first heading 3 element</h3>
<p>Article's third paragraph element</p>
<p>Article's fourth paragraph element</p>
<p>Article's fifth paragraph element</p>
<h2>Article's second heading 2 element</h2>
<p>Article's sixth paragraph element</p>
<p>Article's seventh paragraph element</p>

Try Editing It

Apply DeepPink to every odd <p> element type

The :nth-of-type() selector below selects every <p> child element with an odd index.

p:nth-of-type(odd) {
color: DeepPink;

Assuming the snippet below is the HTML document for the above CSS ruleset, browsers will apply DeepPink to the first and third <p> elements.

<h1>First heading 1 element</h1>
<p>First paragraph element</p>
<h2>First heading 2 element</h2>
<p>Second paragraph element</p>
<h3>First heading 3 element</h3>
<p>Third paragraph element</p>
<p>Fourth paragraph element</p>

Try Editing It

Apply DeepPink to every even <p> element type

The :nth-of-type() selector below selects the every <p> child element with an even index.

p:nth-of-type(even) {
color: DeepPink;

Assuming the snippet below is the HTML document for the above CSS ruleset, browsers will apply DeepPink to the second, fifth, and sixth <p> elements.

<h1>Article's first heading 1 element</h1>
<p>Article's first paragraph element</p>
<h2>Article's first heading 2 element</h2>
<p>Article's second paragraph element</p>
<p>Article's third paragraph element</p>
<h3>Article's first heading 3 element</h3>
<p>Article's fourth paragraph element</p>
<p>Article's fifth paragraph element</p>
<h2>Article's second heading 2 element</h2>
<p>Article's sixth paragraph element</p>
<p>Article's seventh paragraph element</p>

Try Editing It

Apply DeepPink to the third <p> element type, fifth, seventh, and so on

The :nth-of-type() selector below selects every <p> child element whose index is a multiple of two (2) with an offset of three (+3).

p:nth-of-type(2n + 3) {
color: DeepPink;

Fun Quiz: If the snippet below is the HTML document for the above CSS ruleset, which elements will the browser style?

<p>First paragraph element</p>
<p>Second paragraph element</p>
<p>Third paragraph element</p>
<p>Fourth paragraph element</p>
<p>Fifth paragraph element</p>
<p>Sixth paragraph element</p>
<p>Seventh paragraph element</p>
<p>Eight paragraph element</p>
<p>Nineth paragraph element</p>
<p>Tenth paragraph element</p>
<p>Eleventh paragraph element</p>
<p>Twelfth paragraph element</p>

Try Editing It

Apply DeepPink to the first <p> element type, third, fifth, and so on

The :nth-of-type() selector below selects every <p> child element whose index is a multiple of two (2) with an offset of negative three (-3).

p:nth-of-type(2n-3) {
color: DeepPink;

Fun Quiz: If the snippet below is the HTML document for the above CSS ruleset, which elements will the browser style?

<p>First paragraph element</p>
<p>Second paragraph element</p>
<p>Third paragraph element</p>
<p>Fourth paragraph element</p>
<p>Fifth paragraph element</p>
<p>Sixth paragraph element</p>
<p>Seventh paragraph element</p>
<p>Eight paragraph element</p>
<p>Nineth paragraph element</p>
<p>Tenth paragraph element</p>
<p>Eleventh paragraph element</p>
<p>Twelfth paragraph element</p>

Try Editing It

Apply DeepPink to the first three <p> element type

The :nth-of-type() selector below applies DeepPink to the first three <p> child elements.

p:nth-of-type(-n + 3) {
color: DeepPink;

Fun Quiz: If the snippet below is the HTML document for the above CSS ruleset, which elements will the browser style?

<p>First paragraph element</p>
<p>Second paragraph element</p>
<p>Third paragraph element</p>
<p>Fourth paragraph element</p>
<p>Fifth paragraph element</p>
<p>Sixth paragraph element</p>
<p>Seventh paragraph element</p>
<p>Eight paragraph element</p>
<p>Nineth paragraph element</p>
<p>Tenth paragraph element</p>
<p>Eleventh paragraph element</p>
<p>Twelfth paragraph element</p>

Try Editing It

:nth-of-type() vs. :nth-child() – What’s the Difference?

CSS nth-child vs nth-of-type

nth-child selects its items from any group of elements. nth-of-type selects its items from a specified type of element.

:nth-of-type() selects items from a specified group of elements. For instance, selecting a <p> node from a group of <p> siblings.

:nth-child() selects items from a general group of elements. For instance, selecting a <p> node from a mixed group that includes <h1>, <div>, and <section>.